At the young age of 12, Amar’e lost his father. While unaware at the time, he would come to realize in a short 12 years that his father taught him exactly what it means to truly be a dad. Amar’e learned what it meant to go to work every day and provide for his family, to come home in the evenings and spend time with his children, and to discipline his own son and teach him how to be a good man. Amar’e understood the importance of hard work, whether it was pushing a lawn mower or practicing his jumpshot well into the night. His father taught him that going to church and reading the Bible were additionally important in building the character of man. With these lessons, Amar’e learned at the age of 22 that being a father definitely had its rewards, sacrifices and blessings. As the father of three energetic children: Ar’e, Amar’e Jr. & Assata, being a young father, Amar’e loves to get on the floor and rumble with the children whenever he gets a chance. We’re involved with our children in their everyday activities as much as possible, whether that means cheering them on at their football game, attending piano recitals, or just walking around the neighborhood to grab ice cream. Amar’e is always there. Because we hold our children’s futures in our hands, it is our job as parents to nurture them and to show them what good parents are through education, involvement and leadership. Amar’e exudes this on so many levels and not only am I blessed to be married to him, but to be his best friend and for him to be the father of our children.