What’s up! I wanted to fill you all in on what’s been going on with me.
I had a great time last night when we played the Golden State Warriors. We are playing really well going into the end of the season and playoffs. I have a couple days in Phoenix before we hit the road again. I have some busy days planned. I am working on my youth basketball academy, my upcoming Fundamentals of Finance program, some Amar’e Card promotions and hitting the studio to see one of the Hypocalypto artist lay down some tracks.
As you probably saw on the news, I announced my Fundamentals of Finance with the Suns on March 10. I surprised five classes of 9th graders at Washington High School to let them know that I will be back at at their school on April 6 to talk about the importance of making smart financial decisions. I pay a lot of people to tell me what to do with my money. Hopefully, these kids are going to benefit from the knowledge I have learned and choose to manage their money wisely. This education has to start when they are young and they are walking dogs, babysitting and helping neighbors.
Nowadays, lower income kids who were just like me and adults can’t get bank accounts or they are forced to pay crazy check cashing fees. It is not acceptable to spend a ton of money just to get your paycheck cashed or to pay some crazy APR to a credit card company. So, I created the pre-paid debit Amar’e Card. Check it out at theamarecard.com. It is easy…sign-up, load the card and spend wisely.
Last thing, I just talked to the people organizing my youth basketball academy (June 7-10, 2010.) It is going to be a great camp this year and we already have a lot of kids planning on attending. The first 50 kids who sign up (and pay) will be invited to a FREE clinic with me on April 15. I have some fun things planned so sign up now at amarestoudemire.com/youthsports if you are thinking about it.